
My Portfolio

Here are some of the projects I've worked on. Each project includes a brief description and a link to the live site or code repository.

Project 1


This project was developed using HTML, CSS, and PHP, SQL, and jQuery to create an interactive LMS application.

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Project 2


This website utilizes Bootstrap, HTML and Javascript to provide a demonstration of the framework's capabilites.

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Project 3


A comprehensive CRUD Application using PHP, jQuery, HTML, CSS, Javascript, and SQL.

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Project 3

Canvas API

A circle shooter browser game developed with the Canvas API. This game uses HTML, CSS, Javascript, and JSON.

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Project 3

Poll App

A Poll Application using PHP, jQuery, HTML, CSS, Javascript, and SQL.

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Project 3

Image Gallery

A demonstration of a jQuery Animated Image Gallery.

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Project 3

Club Site

A mock site for a college club. This site utilizes HTML, Javascript, and CSS,

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